Faculty - Fabiane Ribeiro Ferreira
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CNPq productivity grant: ---
Telephone: (31) 3409-7410
E-mail: fabianerf@hotmail.com
Lattes CV:
Degree in Physiotherapy from Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (1999), Master's degree in Rehabilitation Sciences from Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (2006), Doctoral degree in Public Health - with an emphasis on Epidemiology from UFMG (2010), and Post-doctoral degree in Sciences of Rehabilitation - UFMG (2014). She is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physiotherapy at UFMG. Coordinates a project on Participation and Aging with the Center for Study and Research on Disability and Work - NEPIT. She has experience in the area of Physiotherapy, with an emphasis on Gerontology and Public Health, working mainly on the following topics: aging and urbanization, aging, participation and work, interdisciplinary intervention, functionality and disability, elderly health, primary care and urban health.